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Hello Everyone, My attempt of a 'Holiday Blog' Not sure how often i will post on this, but will try to update you all on what i have been up too during my Two Month trip to the UK. Check my Facebook also, for more photos and Status / Location Updates! XOXO

Wednesday 28 December 2011


Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas! We all had a nice day visiting aunty Tracy, Jess and baby ruby! Then visited granny and grandad! I went to the trafford centre on boxing day (gooooooodness it was chaos) and got some good bargains! Officially in love with Ted baker designs! Off to blackpool on Thursday (hopefully the lights are still there) to have a look around and spend some cooper at the arcade!
Leaving for new mills on Saturday which should be good! Can't believe I'm already half way through my holiday already, certainly has gone fast

Grandma & Grandpa- I have added pictures of my new dresses! Thank you very much for them :) can't wait to see you


Saturday 24 December 2011

Merry Christmas

Had a good week despite feeling Ill for most of it! Went to Man City on Wednesday it was pretty cool watching them and the atmosphere was crazy! I met baby ruby on Thursday as Lauren and I went to Manchester to meet Jess! Bought two really cool dresses!
Off to see Aunty Tracy for Christmas tomorrow, then back here for Christmas dinner

Hope you all have a lovely Christmas, and I miss NZ LOTS!!!
Love tori xxxx

Tuesday 20 December 2011

Heaven at harrods

So Saturday was pretty cool IAn and I went to London for the day. We went to harrods and spent a small fortune at the cafe £30 for 2 cakes and 2 soft drinks LOL. We definitely indulged. We then went to china town and soho for a Thai lunch, which was so nice.
Madeline arrived at paddington and we went back To Chelmsford just in time for Michael bubles home at Christmas show!!
I arrived safely in Manchester and popped in to see aunty Tracy on the way home. Went ice skating today but it was sooo busy. Off to the match tomorrow and I'm also seeing aunty syl.
Having fun but missing everyone still xxxxx

Friday 16 December 2011

Week Two So Far

Ah well so far i have had a pretty hectic week!
Had an awesome time in London visiting the business side of things! The view from the Law firm was amazing! i was 32stories high and practically 3 times as high as the London eye, the building just had glass windows so i could pretty much see the whole of London! IT WAS TO DIE FOR.
Dinner was lovely on Tuesday evening and i think Caroline had a lovely birthday! We even watched a bit of grease (omg cringe)
Wednesday was cool, went into Chelmsford and looked around the shops and then went to Hooga club to watch Carolines band-Mandeville play! They were preeeeeeeeeetty good. i really enjoyed it!
Yesterday (Thursday) we put the Christmas tree up YAY! so the house is looking very festive!
Today i had a lovely lunch with Paula at Prezzo an Italian restaurant! It was nice to catch up and I'm off to fox and raven pub shortly with everyone!!
Looking forward to seeing Madeline tomorrow, and i think Ian and i are going up to London for the day before we meet her at the station|
Off to Manchester on Monday, so really looking forward to that! Ice skating on Tuesday with Lauren and then MAN CITY ON WEDNESDAY NIGHT....So everyone tune in, as i will be making an appearance on the screen..WATCH THIS SPACE
Having a blast, but missing Millie........ and mum and dad and Andrew HEHE


Sunday 11 December 2011


Just got back from a wonderful weekend in bath, despite catching a cold WAAH! :(
The Christmas markets were so cool and we had some baileys hot chocolate YUM!
We went out for tea with two of Madelines house mates at Giraffe, i had Chicken Kiev and it was GROSS! lol.
I wore my new shoes to dinner and ended up walking around the pub in my tights because my feet were too sore! i forgot that English people don't walk around bare footed so everyone looked at me weird LOL.
We shopped for six hours on the Friday and by the time we got home we couldn't be bothered going out. We were supposed to be going to a gig but fell asleep on the couch OOOPS.
We trecked back to town on Saturday with our cases to but some things at the market, but we could barely move so i didn't end up buying anything :( i really just couldn't handle the amount of people!
I have such a busy week planned! Monday im out at Stewart and Donnas for Tea, Tuesday Im in London at Stewarts office, Then carolines birthday dinner in the evening. Wednesday is shopping day and then im going to Hooga Club (best club in chelmsford) for Carolines gig. Thursday i think is a chill out day (i hope i haven't forgotten im doing something) and then Friday i am going out for Lunch with Paula and possibly doing something in the evening with everyone!
Madeline comes back home on Saturday which is nice, so i Will see her before i leave for Manchester!
I think Ian and Alison are putting the tree up soon so i think that will get me into the Christmas spirit! NEXT SUNDAY IS A NIGHT IN WITH MICHAEL BUBLE, With featured guests such as gary barlow OMG! i cant wait to watch that!!!!
Having an awesome time, and have uploaded more photos on Facebook


Wednesday 7 December 2011


Priscilla was ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! WOW it was so good, i even got hit on the head by a ping pong ball :P
Starting to miss everyone a little bit :/ Off to Bath tomorrow and I CANT WAIT! Haven't actually bought much yet so i need to get spending! (wisely of course)
Went to Calums prize giving last night! he got an effort award :)
Off to buy this amazing blue coat today.. i actually dreamt about it, so I'm rushing out to buy it later!
Hopefully catching up with Paula at some point!
The snow has started (heavily) up north so although i would love for a white Christmas, i don't want it to affect my travels!
Will update you after my BATH experience!

Saturday 3 December 2011

Day Three

Yay i got really excited when i saw my page views! So i gather people are actually reading this!
Yesterday we went to town in Chelmsford, i have never seen so many beautiful shoes! I think i may have a slight obsession! Then Madeline came home from Bath University to surprise me which was so lovely! We went out for a nice meal and then headed down to he pub for a few beers with Madelines friends, Tom, Nick and Max!
(THIS IS FOR CLAIRE) We got approached by a guy who was trying to get us to go into his club, AND THE CAST OF HOLLYOAKS WERE THERE! WOO.
Today I'm going shopping again LOL possibly buying a UK Phone so i can text everyone over here! Then later this evening everyone is meeting up for the first house party at Stewart's new extension, which i am really looking forward too!
It doesn't feel as cold today! Yesterday it got a bit chilly! the car read 5degrees i think! Monday i am off to London for the day with Josephine, then meeting up with Caroline, Donna and Alison to watch Priscilla (with Alf Stewart from home and away in drag) Thursday I'm going with Jo to Bath Uni to stay with Mad for the weekend. I am really looking forward to the amazing Christmas markets!!
Hope everyone in NZ is getting very brown and enjoying the heat!!

Thursday 1 December 2011

Arrived Safe And Sound

hahahai did not have to wear anything visible at all! not even a name badge!
Ended up not being able to go onto the bus for the tour of Singapore (cute it rhymes) as we didn't have our passports at the time, the supervisors looked after them!
Arrived safely and there was no worries at the airport (it was completely dead) woke up at 4.30am so looks like it will take me a while to adjust! The weather isn't too bad i think they said 10degrees this morning??
Looking forward to catching up with everyone and BRING ON THIS HOLIDAY :)

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Luxury Life

Arrived in Singapore after spending ten hours travelling on Business class! It was amazing!!
Just had a massage by an asian lady and now off on a tour of Singaore as i have a 6 hour delay
Will keep you posted xx

Monday 28 November 2011


So as i am under 18 Singapore Airlines, suggested i flew as an unaccompanied minor due to the delays at London, On the plus side i guess ill be first on and off the plane and hopefully one of the first through the delay!!!!
On the downside if i have to wear one of those fluro vests with UM Printed on it i think i may just place a paper bag over my face!! (dont worry i shall take a photo of that)

Sunday 27 November 2011


Just realised you can actually click on the Photos and they appear in a Slide Show format, so may be clearer to see!
One day to go now, Nerves are kicking in! Dreading the Transits at Sydney and Singapore, But hopefully they go smoothly!!


Leaving Dinner

Saturday 26th November- WITH THREE DAYS TO GO!
Dinner at Rendezvous with the Family+Richard! Was nice!

Getting very excited now, Suitcase all packed...Just! May need to breathe in though when they put it on the Scales!!