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Hello Everyone, My attempt of a 'Holiday Blog' Not sure how often i will post on this, but will try to update you all on what i have been up too during my Two Month trip to the UK. Check my Facebook also, for more photos and Status / Location Updates! XOXO

Saturday 3 December 2011

Day Three

Yay i got really excited when i saw my page views! So i gather people are actually reading this!
Yesterday we went to town in Chelmsford, i have never seen so many beautiful shoes! I think i may have a slight obsession! Then Madeline came home from Bath University to surprise me which was so lovely! We went out for a nice meal and then headed down to he pub for a few beers with Madelines friends, Tom, Nick and Max!
(THIS IS FOR CLAIRE) We got approached by a guy who was trying to get us to go into his club, AND THE CAST OF HOLLYOAKS WERE THERE! WOO.
Today I'm going shopping again LOL possibly buying a UK Phone so i can text everyone over here! Then later this evening everyone is meeting up for the first house party at Stewart's new extension, which i am really looking forward too!
It doesn't feel as cold today! Yesterday it got a bit chilly! the car read 5degrees i think! Monday i am off to London for the day with Josephine, then meeting up with Caroline, Donna and Alison to watch Priscilla (with Alf Stewart from home and away in drag) Thursday I'm going with Jo to Bath Uni to stay with Mad for the weekend. I am really looking forward to the amazing Christmas markets!!
Hope everyone in NZ is getting very brown and enjoying the heat!!


  1. Hi Victoria
    We're back from the Coromandel, had a fab week up there. Great to see you are having a cool time. I always thought you looked a bit like Imelda Marcos (google It).

    Lot of Love Dad

    Glad you had a nice time, also hope you got the photos to work, will upload more shortly xx

  3. Hi Hope the show was great. Hope you got a programme and didn't drink too many cocktails lol xx mum xx

  4. HOLLYOAKS!!! very very jealous! we will have to hit them up whe i am there!! xxx hope you having a fabulous time! it defs sounds like it! love you..

  5. Hi Tori

    Good to hear you made it safely. Warning... don't drink the water in Bath.
    Love Marilyn and Rob
