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Hello Everyone, My attempt of a 'Holiday Blog' Not sure how often i will post on this, but will try to update you all on what i have been up too during my Two Month trip to the UK. Check my Facebook also, for more photos and Status / Location Updates! XOXO

Sunday 11 December 2011


Just got back from a wonderful weekend in bath, despite catching a cold WAAH! :(
The Christmas markets were so cool and we had some baileys hot chocolate YUM!
We went out for tea with two of Madelines house mates at Giraffe, i had Chicken Kiev and it was GROSS! lol.
I wore my new shoes to dinner and ended up walking around the pub in my tights because my feet were too sore! i forgot that English people don't walk around bare footed so everyone looked at me weird LOL.
We shopped for six hours on the Friday and by the time we got home we couldn't be bothered going out. We were supposed to be going to a gig but fell asleep on the couch OOOPS.
We trecked back to town on Saturday with our cases to but some things at the market, but we could barely move so i didn't end up buying anything :( i really just couldn't handle the amount of people!
I have such a busy week planned! Monday im out at Stewart and Donnas for Tea, Tuesday Im in London at Stewarts office, Then carolines birthday dinner in the evening. Wednesday is shopping day and then im going to Hooga Club (best club in chelmsford) for Carolines gig. Thursday i think is a chill out day (i hope i haven't forgotten im doing something) and then Friday i am going out for Lunch with Paula and possibly doing something in the evening with everyone!
Madeline comes back home on Saturday which is nice, so i Will see her before i leave for Manchester!
I think Ian and Alison are putting the tree up soon so i think that will get me into the Christmas spirit! NEXT SUNDAY IS A NIGHT IN WITH MICHAEL BUBLE, With featured guests such as gary barlow OMG! i cant wait to watch that!!!!
Having an awesome time, and have uploaded more photos on Facebook



  1. Blue coat looks very lovely! no wonder you still feel jet lagged with everything your up too. Sounds like you are having a great time. Like mother like daughter staying in to watch Micheal Buble love it!!!!!!!! have fun lol xx

  2. cute coat boo :) sounds like you having and amazing time :) xxx
