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Hello Everyone, My attempt of a 'Holiday Blog' Not sure how often i will post on this, but will try to update you all on what i have been up too during my Two Month trip to the UK. Check my Facebook also, for more photos and Status / Location Updates! XOXO

Sunday 29 January 2012


I have had an absolute ball! i have loved every minute of this trip and have been so lucky to experience it all by myself! i think I've grown as a person, wit travelling by myself and become more confident, which will be a very valuable skill in the future!
i would like to thank everyone so much for letting me experience this (mum and dad), and also to everyone who has made this trip so amazing for me! i really do appreciate it so much!
Essex/London has been amazing- and i have had a great time with the girls! Bath was such a great weekend and Madeline has a lovely house!
Prescilla was AWESOME!
I have enjoyed all of the family dinner party's and pub lunches :)
Manchester was cool, watching the City Game and shopping in the Arndale!
Thank you so much to Grandma and Grandpa, as i think we had one rest day over the two week period! Edinburgh was so much fun and JOHN BARROWMAN WAS AMAZING! I thoroughly enjoyed Grease and it was lovely to catch up with Kathryn!
New Mills was so cool, it was really nice to see everyone again and i had an amazing new years eve!

I REALLY SHOULD DO ONE HUGE SUM UP OF EVERYTHING THAT I HAVE DONE....But I'm about to head to bed as i am waking up in 6 hours to set of to the airport!
fingers crossed i get into business class!
Once i am settled at the airport and have more time on my hands i will do a thorough blog report!
But just wanting to genuinely thank EVERYONE, you've all been so great!
and i will def miss you all so much! i dont want to come home :/
Hopefully we eventually sort out an America trip or something, so we can all meet half way!!
Love Tori xxxxxx

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Long time no speak

Hello Everyone! (HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD)
News of the month was receiving my University Confirmation email for Massey university YAY! So I'm going to be studying business when i get home to NZ. I hope everyone got the grades they needed, and Congrats to Andrew :) sounds like you did extremely well.
Sorry i haven't updated this much lately, I've been quite busy!
So to celebrate my success we went to a local Italian in Edinburgh, Didn't go as planned! as the meal wasn't that great :/ but the highlight of the evening was my £2 Litre bottle of Smirnoff! YUM! I'm seriously considering bringing a few cases back....although i don't think its an option anymore considering my baggage is pretty much at its limit!
My second week in Scotland went well, Edinburgh was so much fun! I went to see Betty Page, who was a friend of my great grandmas, She's in her ninety's so shes pretty incredible! sadly she didn't really recognise me! and didn't know who the people were in the photos i showed her of the family :/
Marrion had her birthday on the 13th so we popped round there for a little while to wish her a happy birthday! Emma did try to get me a ticket to one direction but.. they were sold out :( waaah!
Saturday we went to the Glasgow jazz- grandma and grandpas weekly jazz club. I decided to take a trip into town and do some shopping...My jeans ripped whilst i was walking down the street, SO i didn't get too far!! and sadly didn't get to indulge at HOLLISTER :(
I went to the Lions Lunch with grandma and grandpa on Sunday which was cute! i even won a bottle of wine in the raffle hehe! On Monday i received a lovely watch from Marion, and a lovely bangle from Rhona for my 18th Birthday! they are so nice :)
Wednesday we went to Peter Pan in Glasgow- Unfortunately i couldn't actually understand it, as it was mostly in Glaswegian! (is that how you spell it?)haha!
Thursday was pretty WEIRD! Kathryn Young surprised me by telling me she was in the country, so we met up and did some shopping in Glasgow and then went out for lunch! followed by a make over at NARS! It was so cool to see her, but we couldn't get our heads around it! Friday was GREASE! wow it was so cool, i even wore my Jacket HA HA HA :O
Saturday Grandpa and I had a lazy day and watched Shawshank Redemption, Followed by a very exciting game of scrabble (I aced by the way)

I arrived safely from my 9 hour bus journey to London on Monday! It was chaos! The bus terminals were all muddled up, and the tube wasn't running!
Today i bought a dress for my 18th! Its so pretty, i love it :)
Off to see the Artist tonight- a film with no words? so should be interesting!
Ive got a busy week lined up! Friday im out at Stewart and Donna's and then Saturday Im meeting up with Claire and the UK GAPPIES (WOO HOO. im so excited)
Im sad to leave on Monday, but think it will be exciting to get home and see Millie of course ;)


Wednesday 11 January 2012

The land of the scots!

Hello wee pets (LOL)
Arrived safely in Scotland on Friday! Went to the Jazz on Saturday afternoon , was laugh and a half! Later that evening I went to the SECC to see the one and only......JOHN BARROWMAN! He was spectacular, I thoroughly enjoyed it! Had a lovely day and Marion and Kenneths on Sunday for grandmas birthday! She loved her scrapbook! Ate way too much! And saw a HUGE difference in Emma and Amy! Monday we left for Edinburgh! Where I currently am writing this post from! Went to the castle which was excellent! Then went to Camera Obscure OMG. It was so freaky! A maze full of mirrors was on the list of activities we had to complete! I felt a bit queazy after it all though haha! :O we went for a nice italian for dinner, and I was shaking anxiously as Andrew told me our results came out that day (cheers for that by the way) turns out there not out until tonight, great!!
Day two was SCARY! Me and grandpa went to the Edinburgh Dungeon (we didn't think it would be suitable for grandma, turns out we were right) I literally had to hold grandpas hand throughout the whole tour, I don't want to spoil it for anyone who goes to one of the many dungeons throughout the UK! But be prepared for a fright! And don't wear mascara! You may cry lol!!
We went to Scottish parliament and saw the queens Scottish house which was BEAUTIFUL! And finished off our day with a visit to the national Scottish Museum! We went for a lovely Thai for dinner :)
Today we went shopping for my 18th birthday gift from grandma and grandpa and I chose 3pandora rings that stack together! They are gorgeous! I also created a little companion for myself at the bear factory! He's so cute, with union jack chuck taylors!!! Awww!
We went to the ocean terminal to see the britania, but it was closed as it needs maintenance or something!
Will upload pictures soon, good luck everyone in nz who is receiving their results today!!!!

Wednesday 4 January 2012


Hope everyone had a great New Year!!
My UK Phone was playing up but have sorted it now.
I have had an awesome time catching up with everyone in New Mills!
I went to Hayfield for New Year with Nic, and caught up with some old school friends which was really cool.
We went Ice Skating and i have to say the second time round I WAS A PRO!

We then went for a drive to Castleton (i think that's what it is called) and then to the Fallow Deer Pub for a nice meal!
I had a walk around new mills and took some sneaky shots of 14 and 19 parkway, Nothing has changed! Nothing at all! it was Bizarre!!
I got a 10kg bag of swizzles for £5 (well Lynda surprised me with it) so i have pack a few variety's into snap lock bags to bring home with me, so hopefully there will be some left for everyone at home!
I'm off to Halifax today, and then Scotland on Friday!
I am having such a great holiday! More updates to come :)

Wednesday 28 December 2011


Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas! We all had a nice day visiting aunty Tracy, Jess and baby ruby! Then visited granny and grandad! I went to the trafford centre on boxing day (gooooooodness it was chaos) and got some good bargains! Officially in love with Ted baker designs! Off to blackpool on Thursday (hopefully the lights are still there) to have a look around and spend some cooper at the arcade!
Leaving for new mills on Saturday which should be good! Can't believe I'm already half way through my holiday already, certainly has gone fast

Grandma & Grandpa- I have added pictures of my new dresses! Thank you very much for them :) can't wait to see you


Saturday 24 December 2011

Merry Christmas

Had a good week despite feeling Ill for most of it! Went to Man City on Wednesday it was pretty cool watching them and the atmosphere was crazy! I met baby ruby on Thursday as Lauren and I went to Manchester to meet Jess! Bought two really cool dresses!
Off to see Aunty Tracy for Christmas tomorrow, then back here for Christmas dinner

Hope you all have a lovely Christmas, and I miss NZ LOTS!!!
Love tori xxxx

Tuesday 20 December 2011

Heaven at harrods

So Saturday was pretty cool IAn and I went to London for the day. We went to harrods and spent a small fortune at the cafe £30 for 2 cakes and 2 soft drinks LOL. We definitely indulged. We then went to china town and soho for a Thai lunch, which was so nice.
Madeline arrived at paddington and we went back To Chelmsford just in time for Michael bubles home at Christmas show!!
I arrived safely in Manchester and popped in to see aunty Tracy on the way home. Went ice skating today but it was sooo busy. Off to the match tomorrow and I'm also seeing aunty syl.
Having fun but missing everyone still xxxxx