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Hello Everyone, My attempt of a 'Holiday Blog' Not sure how often i will post on this, but will try to update you all on what i have been up too during my Two Month trip to the UK. Check my Facebook also, for more photos and Status / Location Updates! XOXO

Sunday 29 January 2012


I have had an absolute ball! i have loved every minute of this trip and have been so lucky to experience it all by myself! i think I've grown as a person, wit travelling by myself and become more confident, which will be a very valuable skill in the future!
i would like to thank everyone so much for letting me experience this (mum and dad), and also to everyone who has made this trip so amazing for me! i really do appreciate it so much!
Essex/London has been amazing- and i have had a great time with the girls! Bath was such a great weekend and Madeline has a lovely house!
Prescilla was AWESOME!
I have enjoyed all of the family dinner party's and pub lunches :)
Manchester was cool, watching the City Game and shopping in the Arndale!
Thank you so much to Grandma and Grandpa, as i think we had one rest day over the two week period! Edinburgh was so much fun and JOHN BARROWMAN WAS AMAZING! I thoroughly enjoyed Grease and it was lovely to catch up with Kathryn!
New Mills was so cool, it was really nice to see everyone again and i had an amazing new years eve!

I REALLY SHOULD DO ONE HUGE SUM UP OF EVERYTHING THAT I HAVE DONE....But I'm about to head to bed as i am waking up in 6 hours to set of to the airport!
fingers crossed i get into business class!
Once i am settled at the airport and have more time on my hands i will do a thorough blog report!
But just wanting to genuinely thank EVERYONE, you've all been so great!
and i will def miss you all so much! i dont want to come home :/
Hopefully we eventually sort out an America trip or something, so we can all meet half way!!
Love Tori xxxxxx

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