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Hello Everyone, My attempt of a 'Holiday Blog' Not sure how often i will post on this, but will try to update you all on what i have been up too during my Two Month trip to the UK. Check my Facebook also, for more photos and Status / Location Updates! XOXO

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Long time no speak

Hello Everyone! (HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD)
News of the month was receiving my University Confirmation email for Massey university YAY! So I'm going to be studying business when i get home to NZ. I hope everyone got the grades they needed, and Congrats to Andrew :) sounds like you did extremely well.
Sorry i haven't updated this much lately, I've been quite busy!
So to celebrate my success we went to a local Italian in Edinburgh, Didn't go as planned! as the meal wasn't that great :/ but the highlight of the evening was my £2 Litre bottle of Smirnoff! YUM! I'm seriously considering bringing a few cases back....although i don't think its an option anymore considering my baggage is pretty much at its limit!
My second week in Scotland went well, Edinburgh was so much fun! I went to see Betty Page, who was a friend of my great grandmas, She's in her ninety's so shes pretty incredible! sadly she didn't really recognise me! and didn't know who the people were in the photos i showed her of the family :/
Marrion had her birthday on the 13th so we popped round there for a little while to wish her a happy birthday! Emma did try to get me a ticket to one direction but.. they were sold out :( waaah!
Saturday we went to the Glasgow jazz- grandma and grandpas weekly jazz club. I decided to take a trip into town and do some shopping...My jeans ripped whilst i was walking down the street, SO i didn't get too far!! and sadly didn't get to indulge at HOLLISTER :(
I went to the Lions Lunch with grandma and grandpa on Sunday which was cute! i even won a bottle of wine in the raffle hehe! On Monday i received a lovely watch from Marion, and a lovely bangle from Rhona for my 18th Birthday! they are so nice :)
Wednesday we went to Peter Pan in Glasgow- Unfortunately i couldn't actually understand it, as it was mostly in Glaswegian! (is that how you spell it?)haha!
Thursday was pretty WEIRD! Kathryn Young surprised me by telling me she was in the country, so we met up and did some shopping in Glasgow and then went out for lunch! followed by a make over at NARS! It was so cool to see her, but we couldn't get our heads around it! Friday was GREASE! wow it was so cool, i even wore my Jacket HA HA HA :O
Saturday Grandpa and I had a lazy day and watched Shawshank Redemption, Followed by a very exciting game of scrabble (I aced by the way)

I arrived safely from my 9 hour bus journey to London on Monday! It was chaos! The bus terminals were all muddled up, and the tube wasn't running!
Today i bought a dress for my 18th! Its so pretty, i love it :)
Off to see the Artist tonight- a film with no words? so should be interesting!
Ive got a busy week lined up! Friday im out at Stewart and Donna's and then Saturday Im meeting up with Claire and the UK GAPPIES (WOO HOO. im so excited)
Im sad to leave on Monday, but think it will be exciting to get home and see Millie of course ;)


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